Saturday, December 28, 2024

Review: Nosferatu (2024)

Review: Nosferatu (2024)
By William Pattison
For Horror Bob's Blog 

I got to see the new adaptation of Nosferatu. I loved the atmosphere and style, but I'm sorry to say I wasn't thrilled with Count Orlock. I thought the mustache and lack of pointed ears ruined the look of the character. I understand the director wanted to put his stamp on the character, like Coppola did but Orlock is Orlock and the fans wanted Orlock. Not to say it wasn't a good film, just that they fucked up on Orlock to me. I'll get used to it... I'll still recommend this film because the atmosphere and style is great. It just isn't better than the original or the 70s remake...
Keep on Creepin', Horror Bob's Blog 

Sunday, December 8, 2024